Prepare Early and Well For Long-Term Care
The long-term care decision that faces us as we get older can be quite complex, not to mention off-putting. But arming yourself with as...

Avoiding Caregiver Burnout
When is it time to consider more help at home or moving on to assisted living? The purpose of this article is to recognize signs of burnout

Avoiding Falls
Did you know that every year there are over 2.8 million seniors treated in emergency rooms for falls? Did you know that falls are the most c

Planning For Your Future
Are you financially prepared for services in your home or assisted living? Below are some things to consider. Provided by the ADRC of Oregon

Aging and the Modern World: How to Use Technology as a Long-Distance Caregiver
The difficult truth about life is that it doesn’t last forever. This is a reality that people taking care of their parents know very...